
Battle realms lair of the lotus
Battle realms lair of the lotus

battle realms lair of the lotus

Long, long ago, there lived a peaceful tribe of wizards and foresters who worshiped the gods of balance and nature as symbolized by a great towering tree. Like the Serpent, the Lotus Clan was formed from the remnants of an older clan devastated by the Horde. By raping the Wolf Clan's lands of all its best metals and minerals, the Lotus clan has become rich on the blood, sweat and tears of others. Their ability to manipulate the superstitious Wolf clan has served them well. Physically weak but magically strong, alternately sycophantic and vengeful, the Lotus clan bows to the strong and rules the weak.

battle realms lair of the lotus

Indeed, the very attacks of the Lotus clan's second-tier units are attempts to expel the corruption temporarily, maintaining just enough balance to keep the units alive until they can attempt to contain the corruption with stronger magics. Even the master warlocks can only contain their corruption for so long. The corruption attaches itself to human life, but can be temporarily contained in other vessels (such as the staves of the Unclean). They are being consumed from within by their own corrupting magics. The clan suffers from a universal problem.

battle realms lair of the lotus

Each brother speaks for a different aspect of the tree - one brother the leaves, one the trunk, and one the blade that tends the tree's roots. The Lotus clan's society has built its foundations on an odd religion that revolves around a nightmarish tree tended by three brothers. Weapons are equally thin and flimsy, but often magically touched and able to strike multiple opponents at once. Their armor is shiny and metallic, dark and silver in color, but flimsy and actually less effective than the Dragon clan's samurai armor or the Wolf clan's shale plates. The length of a soldier's hair indicates his rank - the longer the better. Bleached-white hair is universal the Lotus clansmen bleach their hair as to frighten the more superstitious members of the Wolf Clan, as the barbaric Wolf clansmen associate pure white as a colour of divinity or great power, best represented in their reverence of their most valued artifact, the White Wolf's Skull. The people of the Lotus are thin and pale in appearance, with generally little muscle or size to speak of. Their religion centralizes around three ancient brothers, now long gone, who tended the Tree of Corruption. They follow the Forbidden Path, which focuses on death and decay. Lotus clansmen are Yin followers with corruption as their symbol.

Battle realms lair of the lotus